Tuesday, 8 October 2024

How much did Dawnmaker really cost?

About a year ago, I wrote a piece explaining how much we estimated making Dawnmaker would cost. Well, Dawnmaker is finished, so as promised, I'm going to revisit that and show you how much it actually cost to produce our game! Yay, more money talk!

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Sunday, 18 August 2024

18 days of selling Dawnmaker

We released Dawnmaker 18 days ago, and I'm due for a report on numbers. Everybody loves numbers, right? Here are ours!

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Friday, 26 July 2024

The frustration of (never really) finishing Dawnmaker

We are 5 days away from the release of Dawnmaker! It is a time of excitement, of stress of course, but also of regrets as we realize that there are so, so many things that we will not be able to add to our game. Let's introduce today's topic with a short video that is very à propos:

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Friday, 3 May 2024

The challenges of teaching a complex game

When I was 13, my mom bought me Civilization III from a retail shop, then went on to do some more shopping. I stayed in the car, with this elegant box in my hands, craving to play the game it contained. I opened the box, and there discovered something magical: the Civilization III Manual. Having nothing better to do, I started reading it…

The Civilization III manual
That game manual was THICK.

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Monday, 11 March 2024

Killing two birds with one deck in Dawnmaker

Let's face it: Dawnmaker still has some important flaws. We're aware of that, and we are working on those flaws. One of the biggest remaining problem with the game was that one of its core mechanics, the oppression of the Smog, was… well, not explained at all. If you didn't have a developer behind your back to tell you, there was almost no way you could understand it.

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Thursday, 8 February 2024

Dawnmaker a une page Steam ET un trailer

Dawnmaker, le jeu sur lequel je travaille dans le cadre d'Arpentor Studio, depuis plus de deux ans, a désormais une page Steam et un trailer. Je vous laisse découvrir ça :

Ça vous a plu ? N'hésitez pas à ajouter le jeu à votre liste de souhaits sur Steam !

Thursday, 18 January 2024

L'état de l'Adrian 2023

L'année 2023 est terminée, donc comme depuis trois ans, c'est l'heure de dresser un bilan de ce que j'ai fait ces douze derniers mois. Je démarre cette retrospective avec la sensation de n'avoir « rien » fait, mais c'est parce que je me suis concentré essentiellement sur un seul et unique projet, notre jeu Dawnmaker. Vous allez le voir, l'année a en fait été bien chargée pour moi. En route pour le bilan !

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Monday, 27 November 2023

The ruins of Dawnmaker's lost continent

Today we are releasing a new version of Dawnmaker, with two big changes. The first one is the 2D board, which I talked about in my previous blog post. The second one is a new feature called "Ruins and Rewards". That feature… adds ruins and… changes rewards. Yeah. Pretty good name, right?

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