Friday, 8 May 2020

Final Day — Solo Game Jam Challenge

Thank you everyone who played the game yesterday and gave me feedback! Today I was able to focus on making the game better, and that content was very helpful to me.

It's the final day of my Solo Game Jam Challenge, I'm tired, I dream of demons and villages and buildings, but I did make a game! It took me approximately 40 hours over 5 days. I had a great deal of pleasure working on this game, as, like I said in my introduction post, I've wanted to create a village builder for a while.

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Thursday, 7 May 2020

Day 4 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

What's better than having 1 issue on your open source project? You guessed it: having 2 issues. But what's even better than having 2 issues? ONE PULL REQUEST! And because my Benjamins are very thoughtful friends, today I reached both numbers in my village builder's repository. A grand day indeed! :tada:

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Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Day 3 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

I hope you all liked losing yesterday? I sure enjoyed watching those demons bath in your blood. But I have to admit, I believe losing is vastly overrated. I for one prefer winning a lot more!

Thus, today I'm going to make this a game that you can WIN.

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Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Day 2 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

This is Day 2 of my Jam, and it's time to make my game an actual game. Meaning, it's time to LOSE. It's not a game if there's no challenge, as you might have realized if you played the Day 1 prototype.

Time to put some demons in my game…

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Monday, 4 May 2020

Day 1 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

Starting on a new project is always a very exciting moment: it's full of discovery and of very satisfying moments. If you're like me, you start small, and each new brick you add is simple: you get a great sense of accomplishment seeing those new elements pop up and work together. It is a time of pleasure, a time far from the rage and anguish of impossible bugs, code refactors and algorithmic headaches.

But I'm not worried, I know I'm getting there!

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Sunday, 3 May 2020

Solo Game Jam Challenge

I haven't made a game in a long while, and I want to get back in shape. I thus declare that now is the time to make my own solo game jam! Starting this Monday, I will spend the next 5 days working full time on a game that I want to make. And each evening when I'm done working, I'll write a blog post to explain what I did, what went wrong, etc.

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Monday, 14 October 2019

The Last Word - a Ludum Dare 45 post-mortem

On the weekend of October 5, a few friends and I participated in the 45th Ludum Dare, a Gam Jam competition happening online, with people from all over the world joining in. We made a game that we called The Last Word (read our Ludum Dare entry or play it on, and today I'm going to tell you the story of how that happened.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2019

react-content-marker Released – Marking Content with React

Last year, in a React side-project, I had to replace some content in a string with HTML markup. That is not a trivial thing to do with React, as you can't just put HTML as string in your content, unless you want to use dangerouslySetInnerHtml — which I don't. So, I hacked a little code to smartly split my string into an array of sub-strings and DOM elements.

More recently, while working on Translate.Next — the rewrite of Pontoon's translate page to React — I stumbled upon the same problem. After looking around the Web for a tool that would solve it, and coming up short handed, I decided to write my own and make it a library.

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