Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Day 3 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

I hope you all liked losing yesterday? I sure enjoyed watching those demons bath in your blood. But I have to admit, I believe losing is vastly overrated. I for one prefer winning a lot more!

Thus, today I'm going to make this a game that you can WIN.

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Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Day 2 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

This is Day 2 of my Jam, and it's time to make my game an actual game. Meaning, it's time to LOSE. It's not a game if there's no challenge, as you might have realized if you played the Day 1 prototype.

Time to put some demons in my game…

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Monday, 4 May 2020

Day 1 — Solo Game Jam Challenge

Starting on a new project is always a very exciting moment: it's full of discovery and of very satisfying moments. If you're like me, you start small, and each new brick you add is simple: you get a great sense of accomplishment seeing those new elements pop up and work together. It is a time of pleasure, a time far from the rage and anguish of impossible bugs, code refactors and algorithmic headaches.

But I'm not worried, I know I'm getting there!

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Sunday, 3 May 2020

Solo Game Jam Challenge

I haven't made a game in a long while, and I want to get back in shape. I thus declare that now is the time to make my own solo game jam! Starting this Monday, I will spend the next 5 days working full time on a game that I want to make. And each evening when I'm done working, I'll write a blog post to explain what I did, what went wrong, etc.

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Monday, 14 October 2019

The Last Word - a Ludum Dare 45 post-mortem

On the weekend of October 5, a few friends and I participated in the 45th Ludum Dare, a Gam Jam competition happening online, with people from all over the world joining in. We made a game that we called The Last Word (read our Ludum Dare entry or play it on, and today I'm going to tell you the story of how that happened.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2019

react-content-marker Released – Marking Content with React

Last year, in a React side-project, I had to replace some content in a string with HTML markup. That is not a trivial thing to do with React, as you can't just put HTML as string in your content, unless you want to use dangerouslySetInnerHtml — which I don't. So, I hacked a little code to smartly split my string into an array of sub-strings and DOM elements.

More recently, while working on Translate.Next — the rewrite of Pontoon's translate page to React — I stumbled upon the same problem. After looking around the Web for a tool that would solve it, and coming up short handed, I decided to write my own and make it a library.

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Friday, 28 July 2017 - a Powerful and Flexible Report Builder for JSON APIs

More than 2 years ago, I wrote about a prototype I built, called Spectateur, that allowed users of Socorro to create custom reports for their needs. The idea was to make it easy to write a script that pulls data from a public API, transforms it and then displays it as a nice table or chart. I strongly believe in this idea, and have been making various progress on the concept over the last 2 years, until I finally put together a nicer, more complete prototype at the end of 2016. I called it Processeer, and it's available at

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Saturday, 18 February 2017

Expériences Politiques 2017

L'année dernière, j'ai coorganisé, avec la Maison Pour Tous, les premières Expériences Politiques, une semaine de conférences, débats et ateliers autour des alternatives politiques. Forts du succès de cette édition (j'ai toujours rêvé d'écrire ça), nous avons décidé de remettre le couvert cette année. J'ai donc le plaisir de vous annoncer que les Expériences Politiques reviennent du 6 au 11 mars 2017, pour une nouvelle semaine intense de débats, de conférences gesticulées et d'ateliers !

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