Hi everyone!

I recently wrote a library to handle a Component Entity model in a JavaScript game. I need it for my ongoing Fightly Game Engine, which I'm trying to work on. If you don't know what the Component Entity model is, here are great resources about it:

Basically, the idea is to replace classical inheritance with composition. Your game is composed of entities, each being just a list of components. JavaScript's flexibility is well adapted to this sort of programming, as it is easy to change an object to add attributes or methods to it.

That system I implemented is highly based on what Louis Stowasser did on Crafty.js. It works on both server- and client-side, and comes with a few unit tests and examples. Let's first show you how it can be used:

How to use the ComponentEntityManager

Ok, so I like showing code instead of writing English. Here is the most basic way to use that library. First, import and instantiate the Manager:

var cem = require('component-entity-manager'),
    myCEM = new cem.ComponentEntityManager();

Then, declare a new component:

myCEM.c('HelloWorld', function() {
    this.hello = function() { console.log('Hello, World!'); };

Now create an entity using this component:

var hi = myCEM.e('HelloWorld');

And finally use that entity the way you like. For example:

hi.hello(); // prints "Hello, World!" in the console

Pretty simple, right? Right, we only printed a "Hello World" but still, we did so by using the Component Entity model! Now you can obviously add a thousand more components, and create hundreds of thousands entities. Let's see a more concrete example before I explain why it is useful.

A more concrete example

See example1.js on github

var cem = require('../../component-entity-manager'),
    // Instanciate the Game Engine
    myGE = new cem.ComponentEntityManager();

// Create a few components that can be used in-game
var Hero = {
    "life": 100,
    "defense": 100,
    "attack": 100,

    "hit": function(opponent) {
        var points = this.attack * 1.1 - opponent.defense;

        if (points > 0) {
            opponent.life -= Math.round(points);
        return this;

    "specialHit": function(opponent) {
        return this.hit(opponent);

var Wizard = {
    // this component requires the Hero component, and
    // any entity having a Wizard component will automatically have a Hero one
    "_requires": "Hero",

    "life": 80,
    "mana": 100,

    // "Overwrite" the specialHit method of the Hero component
    "specialHit": function(opponent) {
        var points = this.attack * 1.2 - opponent.defense;

        if (this.mana > 20) {
            points += 20;
            this.mana -= 20;

        if (points > 0) {
            opponent.life -= Math.round(points);
        return this;

var Necromancer = {
    "_requires": "Wizard",
    "life": 70,
    "attack": 110

var Paladin = {
    "_requires": "Hero",
    "defense": 150

// Add those components to the Game Engine so we can use them
myGE.addComponent("Hero", Hero)
    .addComponent("Wizard", Wizard)
    .addComponent("Necromancer", Necromancer)
    .addComponent("Paladin", Paladin);

// Create two entities than we can manipulate
var gerard = myGE.e("Paladin"),
    igor = myGE.e("Necromancer");

// And now play with those entities
console.log("Before we do anything: ");
console.log("  Gerard's life is " + gerard.life);
console.log("  Igor's life is " + igor.life);


console.log("\nAfter Gerard hits Igor: ");
console.log("  Gerard's life is " + gerard.life);
console.log("  Igor's life is " + igor.life);


console.log("\nAfter Igor hits Gerard: ");
console.log("  Gerard's life is " + gerard.life);
console.log("  Igor's life is " + igor.life);

How is this useful?

And how is it better than classical inheritance? Some people answered this better than I could do in other places (see the two links above), but here is the main point. When you come to have a very complex hierarchy, with lots of classes and dependencies between them, you will certainly end up having unneeded code in some of your objects. Let's say you have a few classes: Moving, Vehicle, Car. Vehicle inherits from Moving, Car inherits from Vehicle. Now at some point you want to add a BrokenCar class, to represent a car than cannot move. It seems quite logical to make it inherit from Car as it shares almost everything with it. But that is the point: almost. As you don't want that BrokenCar to move, you will have to overwrite the code from Moving, or to break your entire hierarchy. With composition, you just specify directly what you need in your object. For example, I want this object to be a Car, a Vehicle and a Moving. Or I want that other object to be a BrokenCar, a Car and a Vehicle (but not a Moving). It is more flexible and allows for a wider range of mixing.

Now about that library precisely. The main features are here: you can create components and declare them, express requirements in a component, create entities from one or several components, get entities from their components. It is intended to be used as a building block for any JavaScript game, or any JavaScript game engine. Oh and I'm pretty sure you guys can find some other use cases as well... :)


I release this code under a simple MIT license. It's the simplest I know. I'm considering adding a GPL-ish license as well, and maybe some BSD if people ask me to. 

And the future...

There are a few things I want to add to this library: a function to get an entity from it's ID, more unit tests, more options for selectors... But what I would really, really love to hear is everything you have to say! I will gladly accept code reviews, forks, pull requests, emails, comments here... 

Hack & Enjoy! /-)